Books By Jo Cattell

Books By Jo Cattell

Saturday, November 24, 2012

"When Angels Fall" on sale now!

On Thanksgiving day, on top pf being thankful for all the blessings I have had this year, I added a new title to my name...published author.  One of my dreams have come true and I am speechless to now see it on sale.  In a few weeks the first paperbacks will be available, and then I will be able to hold a copy in my hand.  This feeling is unreal, almost like when I held my children for the first time, or that fist kiss you will never forget. A few weeks ago, actually the day before I left on vacation, I received the cover art.  I could not have captured Nick and Chloe any better then what finally came to life.  Now as I read through the final draft and it is live, I see them come to life again.  Book two, should be out soon after the first of the year, and it will show how both Nick and Chloe have grown since they fell and took that step towards becoming adults.  It will show how their love is tested through separation and test them on different levels.  There will be 2 more books after book two, with the possibly of prequel to follow.

The very next book after book 2 will be "If there never is a Tomorrow" but because the title is long, I may have to change it to make it shorter.  Look for tomorrows post as an introduction to the start of my author debut.  Also look for giveaways and blog tours and when the weather gets nicer, book signings.  For now I leave you with the link to go and check out, When Angels Fall and hope you enjoy!
Peace, Love, & Hope~JC

When Angels Fall
also available in print at When Angels Fall also available in print at

Monday, November 19, 2012

When Angels Fall

Well, here it is, finally, after all this time, my first novel.  Words can not describe how I feel right now.  This is a dream I have had for such a long time.  I never dreamed I would actually be able to do this.  I never thought I was any good.  And honestly, I will not know until I read my first review from someone who is not a friend.  This is just the first book.  Book Two will be out in another month.  I am still looking for more people to join the blog tour, so if you have a blog and would be interested, please let me know.  For now, I have just 4 more days to wait until this dream comes true and my very first novel is published and I can truly say, I am a published author.~Peace, Love, & Happiness~JC 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sunday Post "If There Never Is A Tomorrow" "I'm infatuated with you"

I let out a sigh, and thought about it. Was I really ready to explain what I had been through with John? “There really isn't much to tell. Did your parents ever have the sex talk with you?”

He laughed. “No, I learned about sex on the internet like most kids. You would be surprised what they have on the video site.”

Rolling my eyes, I smirked. “That's were you learned that move. Impressive.”

He laughed at that. “Thought you'd like that, maybe later I'll show you more. Kidding aside, yeah, my mom tried to and lets just say, that my mother had a really hard time explaining it to me.”

My mom sat me down and talked to me. She gave me the speech about how you should wait until the time is right. To save myself for someone I loved, someone special. John, made me think I was special to him. Once I saw through all his lies, I realized how much of a mistake I made. Guys will say what you want to hear to get what they want. Except you. You have always been honest with me, at least I think. And if you haven't don't tell me.” I said softly.

Hmm, So does that mean you love me?” He asked point blank.

How to answer? Did I love him? Those were strong words, and as much as I may think that I might, I couldn't say them to him yet. “I'm...infatuated with you.” I giggled again.

He rolled his eyes this time, and smirked at me. “Well, then I guess I'm infatuated with you too. I care about you a lot Annie. I'm glad I meet you. You have given me so much in the short time we have been together. Just don't ever change.

photo credit: <a href="">kainr</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Cover Revel "When Angels Fall"

How to put into words the feelings I have right now.  I am supposed to be going on vacation tomorrow, and my wonderful editor sent me the most amazing going away gift!

This is every authors dream, to see the very first cover for the novel they have worked so hard to achieve.  This truly brought tears to my eyes and I still can not believe it is really happening.  "When Angels Fall" should be out in time for Christmas.

This story came to me in a dream and was a way for me to deal with the grief I had when I lost my sweet baby niece Chloe.  It was a way for her to live on.  I never imagined I would go so far as to publish it, but I was told by friends that it was a great story and should be.  I'm now taking that step, and seeing this cover and my name and my vision coming through is just unbelievable.  Now comes the real test, will it sell???  I'm just lost for words on how beautiful my very first cover is.

Peace, Love, Hope~JC

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sunday Post "If There Never Is A Tomorrow" "Bucket List"

 “Today had made me think of a lot of things. I wasn't supposed to live past seventeen. In a few months I'm gonna be eighteen. I think I'm gonna make a bucket list of things I want to do before I go. I mean in case I get really sick again. While I'm doing that, you are going to think about what you want to do with your life. I mean it Annie, who cares what kind of family you come from. Not everyone is made of money. There are all kinds of grants and things you can look into so that you can do what you want to really do. Monica told me about your writing.” He waited for me to say something about that. To protest about how I don't do that. But if Monica had told him, then I would have to explain things.

The writing is just for fun. Nothing big. Really Nate, I never thought of going to college.” I continued.

Crocked his eyebrow at me, he smirked “Well, there is the first thing on my list, 1. Make Annie go to college.”

Your so funny. Why is that important if I go to college?” I laughed.

Because you deserve the best in life. I know you want to be a writer. I've watched you when your suppose to be doing homework. Your pen is always moving and I know it wasn't for doing your math problems. If that's what you want to do, then go for it. Promise me that. If anything ever happens, and for some reason I'm not here, you have to follow that dream.” He made me promise.

I don't want to be a writer. Again, its just for fun. If I really had to think about it, maybe work with kids. I don't want to be a teacher though.” I laughed

He smirked. “Yeah, look how well you handled Jim. Help me with this. Lets make a list of all the things we want to do. Even if its just for this summer.”

This is really kind of morbid. Why would you want to write something like this?” I questioned taking the notebook from him. He got quiet again. “Nate, what is it?”

Sometimes I think I am living on borrowed time. Today really made me think about it. I mean it was a great day, really. I was so overwhelmed with everything. made me think too. Right now, I feel great. While I'm feeling like this, I want to do things. If something should happen, I don't want to look back as I'm laying in that hospital bed and think I played it safe.” He explained.

photo credit: <a href="">mccmicb</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>